In that order! I'm so so so far behind with my blogging. Since my last update I have been in 3 different countries!! I'm useless but let me try and remember what has happened.
The water pipe trek was aces! We slept in the village elders gaff in tents, drank a hell of a lot of his whiskey which he didn't charge us for, and danced like twats with their village band I guess it was.. there was one guy there who we called Snake Hips because he was really fucking bendy! You know those little giraffe toys that collapse at the knees when you push the bottom?? That was Snake Hips! He was semi toothless, smelt a lil bit but man could that boy dance.
The digging of the water pipe was proper hard work. We were given hoes which we can to carry with us and we had to walk into the jungle through rivers and stuff. At one point we finished digging this stretch so we went to dig somewhere further down. In order to do that though, the contractors had to clear a section of the jungle next to the river so down come all these trees.. and along with them came their inhabitants. Enter screaming. Spiders bigger than I had EVER seen were scrambling along the bank, diving and bobbing in the water and climbing up peoples legs. One of the lads, Michael, had the hugest spider ever wrapped around his left leg and was making its way up. Steph bless her had a poisonous one (I think.. correct me if I'm wrong) on her leg which she squashed! And there were crickets that made the loudest noises – at one point we actually stopped and asked where the drilling was coming from because it sounded like one of those huge drills that go deep into the earth... it was a cricket!!! SO loud I wish I could describe it or had taped it.
The elephant trek was amazing. I got to sit on the elephants shoulders so his ears were flapping my feet. It was really nice that actually because it kept my toes warm and bug free :D the spiders though were mahoosive! They were black and yellow ones which according to Mark are bird eating spiders. He has sent me a link to prove it but I am still unsure hehe. They were in the trees above us and because our elephant was so tall, we were having to duck underneath them and skim their cobwebs. Uber scary but the trek was so much fun. At one point Lucy was falling off the elephant but because of her shock that she was actually falling off, she couldn't speak to warn us!!! I turned around just in time to see her balancing on the balls of her arse cheeks, legs and arms all in the air to pull her back into the basket. Uber funny!!! Her face was amazing!!
We also went to D.R.E.A.M house which is an orphanage set up by a woman called Vic and that is funded by Starfish (Facebook and website if you buy a tshirt for a tenner, you feed a kid for a month. The kids were in school when we got there so a few of us went to do some gardening. We got proper muddy but it was a laugh! I found a snail that was bigger than my head!! Fucking freaky shiz doesn't come close! The story we were told about the kids was pretty heart breaking – all are Burmese apart from Vic's own kid and they have seen some horrid sights like parents being killed. Lucy and Mark both told us all that quite literally a man in a white van goes around and picks kids up in the area to sell them for either sex or for their organs. Quite a sobering thought. So the money is worth it really. I got 2 tshirts and sent one home to mum. I want a blue one too so will have to order when I get to Aus.
The jungle trek was IMMENSE!! it was SO funny!! everyone kept falling down, me, Annie and Mark had a mud fight, Steph made up a song which I contributed to, I accidentally ended up floating down the river a bit too far when we stopped for lunch and had to grab onto a branch. It was after I got out of the river the guys pointed out a tarantula was making its way down to my hand!! Shitting a brick actually happened. A whole brick. We ate a river fish with rice for tea, we drank coffee, Milo, gin, Hong Thong and Coke out of our very own Bamboo cups made from an actual bamboo tree! Mark decorated mine for me which was very sweet, thank you! (I've had to throw it away now though because the bamboo was going moldy :-( sad times). And after all that fun, and playing truth or dare, I was eaten alive. By what? Who knows. The Thai chaperone guys were mystified! I literally had lumps all over my body and was the most itchy I have ever been. I went to the hospital where the English was NOT good. I was injected with God knows what because they couldn't tell me! But after a few days the bumps went down. I was still major fucking itchy though!!
OMG when we got back from the jungle there was a huuuuuuuge gheko in our room!!! Tracy bless her said proper calmly.. “Sarah.. just move away from the window for a second”.. which was really good of her after the jungle because everyone was so damn jumpy. If you made a loud noise or a sudden movement, you immediately assumed it was a spider or something. So as I moved away and looked back at the window, I saw two huge multicoloured legs with a huge tail sticking out above the curtain pole. Further brick shitting. We got Baz who is this teeny little lad, only 19 to come and help. He did nothing but make it fall in the bin and scuttle around the room! Then a Thai bloke came in to twatted it with a curtain pole. It ran away up into the roof where it stayed thankfully.
Oh and there was a spider incident on the jungle trek! When we arrived at the camp there was a masssiiiveeee bird eating spider in a web by the bamboo houses. Baz chucked a dead bug into its web so the spider would eat it, and as it was being wrapped up, the spider fell slightly and was dangling by one leg. Mark had been filming it all on my camera and threw a huge hissy fit! He was petrified!! and ended up lobbing MY camera into the wall!!! I have it all on video, including the bit of him passing it over to a GIRL because he was shaking so much hahaha. Big pansy!!
And then it was Koh Phangan time!!! Which of course will be another blog. Uno momento...
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