Sunday, 28 August 2011

I've Been a Wee Busy Bee Me!

There is a new Scottish guy in my room! However, he doesn't have blue eyes or blonde hair which is my usual prerequisites before jumping on a person, but he IS Scottish. YAY! Love Scottishness :D

I've been very busy today. And I have also discovered coffee and a love for prunes on my weetabix. I have also discovered that these three things put together make for quite considerable belly ache if you are not within immediate walking distance of the toilet. Will need to work on the balance of eating and drinking these items together before I errupt or my room mates are rocket propelled into the walls by any slight coffee/prune escapage...

But yes.. anyway. Moving quite swiftly on...busy. I went to bed late so waking up at 10am was acceptable. I washed my whole duvet because it occured to me whilst watching the bed changing teams that all they do is change the duvet cover (or dunna cover as the Aussies would say). This means that people who have slept in the beds for weeks.. or months.. will leave with them all their sweat and probably vomit. I don't know about you but I am not particually down with other folks sweat and vomit mixing with my own. So a nice thorough, high temperature wash and tumble dry was in order. It now smells pretty :-) times of good.

I then met Mr Scottish and had a talk with him. He seems nice enough and supports both Man U and Rangers so we had a good football talk to, slagging off the poor financial decisions Rangers have made this season and debating whether Ally will get a bit better as time goes on. He then confirmed he loves the F1 too - I have met a legend!

I was off then to Victoria market armed with a list of things to buy. I filled my 30 litre RAF bag to the limit with veg, fruit and meat and bought a pair of joggers to kick start the fitness regime I am yet to plan. I was however slightly very MIFFED at the stupid Chinese woman who served me at the butchers part of the market. I asked for 1kg of minced beef which she provided at a very hefty sum of $8.60. I handed my money over slightly confused about how much that was, walked round the corner and saw the exact same meat sold by another butcher for $2.95 per kg. Robbing Chinesers!!

THEN I did a dickheaded thing and panic bought a kitchen item. The market was shutting up shop and I desperately needed a tin opener. I looked around and the cheapest was $5. I then spotted a massive tool thing for $3 that boasted being a knife grinder, a pizza cutter, a garlic press, a tin opener and a bottle opener. I was so impressed I just launched the money at the man and ran away in case he realised what he had just sold me for so little without properly reading the back of the packet. When I got back I realised it wasn't at all any of those things but was infact just a knife grinder and the other things were additional products you could buy in that range. I didn't realise this though till I had tried really hard to peel a carrot with it and bash the garlic to smitherines. In front of people. Embarrasing. It got worse when I had to apologise and ask people not to judge me when I went back into the bin to fetch the packaging to find out just why on earth I couldn't get the pizza cutter out of it.

In the end, with the correct tools provided by the hostel, I made a really really lot of bologanise which is now resting merrily in the freezer. I have ten tons of veg left over so tomorrow I will make fajitas to freeze. Tomorrow too I intend to spend on the beach reading. Might as well get the quiet time in before I start working. I've applied for an evening job for after normal working hours in the office, and provided I get it it should be cash in hand and pay for my rent every week doing 3 shifts so.. fingers crossed!!

Tonight Matthew I shall mainly be watching the F1 . That finishes at 12.45am my time and then at 1am it is Man U vs Arseholes so I think I'm going to have to be wide awake for that. Therefore I better go make some more coffee.. and stay away from the prunes.

In a while crocdile.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I knew coffee would get you in the end! You'll soon be unable to function without it :)

    Great blog :) xxxxxxxxx
