Saturday, 11 June 2011

The Last Sunday

Sup. It's late Saturday night.. a few minutes to 12am. As soon as 12am hits it will be Sunday.. be last one in the UK for at least 2 years. I feel like I should have a traditional roast or do something Sunday ish! The most Sunday thing I will be doing tomorrow is watching the F1 in Canada but even that isn't traditional because it is on at 5pm..not the usual 12.15pm. So it will mean I can't go to the traditional Shoulder of Mutton either.

But maybe that is a good thing.. It's not like I will never be back or never have a Sunday dinner again is it!!

Today's blog is going to be a boring blog btw.. I can't think of what to write because I am distracted by the TV - I'm watching 16 and Pregnant.. all my friends are having babies :( I am unbearably jealous. I would love to have a baby.. wish at least just one of the three I managed to make had made it. One day ey. One day.

I bought some sexy new jeans today - I traded in all my coins I had saved which came to £32 and seen as every single store except for Next only had skinny jeans, I spent the £30 in some new petite jeans that actually fit.

I text Craig today. He didn't reply. Think I just need a hug to be honest. I really shouldn't have access to my phone or laptop when it's late and I'm tired.

Oh fucks sake I can't stop thinking about Craig and babies. I'm going to go - I'll write a better blog tomorrow when I'm less.. bleh.

Hey... it's 12am. Last Sunday is here. See ya.


  1. Oh cripey... this is getting too close for comfort ;(

  2. I know :-/ which Jo is this btw?! xx
