Monday, 14 February 2011

Valentines Shmalemtines

Valentines day is so shitty. It is a day to remind those who don't have a feller that you are sad and alone. I found out today that one of the lads I proper like and have had a thing with for 2 years has lied pretty much but omitting certain details.. the stupid thing is I knew it was coming.. just thought I would be told about it you know?

And to makes things even worse! I asked a guy if he wanted to do something tonight for Valentines.. and he immediately went silent. AND!!! my house mate has now put me in charge of entertaining her new boyfriend whilst she is out, and then banishing me to my room for the rest of the evening whilst he cooks her a Valentines day meal. Great.

Face it Rowlandez. You are doomed to a life of watching the soaps, eating cake whilst stroking a cat and crying.

10 days to the big City Uni interview and I'm pretty sure I'm wasting my time and money going there. I have £1.8k in savings and can save another £1k with this months wages. If I hand my notice in at the start of March, I can be gone by 1st April and will have saved another £1k.. I can fuck off abroad of £3.8k right??? I'm sure I can get a work visa in Oz or NZ. I want to go to Melbourne quite badly.. Want to live there eventually.

Might have a cup of tea. Or an early night I guess. Do some reading on midwifery in case lol. I will be chirpier next time I blog. Promise.


  1. None of those knobheads deserve you. It's very much their loss xxxxxxxxxx

  2. It's mum by the way :) Had to sign in to my writing account to comment :)

  3. Nothing like a good rant man. Let it out! Breath, and then go and stab them all in the face.

    By no means are you doomed to watching Eastenders for the rest of your life! Get yourself out there - do your midwifery thingymabob - you so want it and deserve it dude.

    Remember, little bit of maths, little bit of textbook, and you'll be grand in a few days!

    As Langers would say, and I quote "I know you have the desire and hunger to achieve this"...

    Love you loads dude. Big Lloydie hugs xx

  4. Lloydy will you marry me if Donna doesn't work out?? (which she will... babies!!!!) xxx
