... Oh Mighty Epilation God. Why must thou centre ones rath upon my white slash slightly tanned skin? What has one done to be punished so??
I'm on holiday on Thursday right, and there might also be the potential for a quick goodbye shag tomorrow so I figured I will epilate in preperation for both. And yet again, I have stopped half way through one leg to update one of the social networking sites I appear to not be able to live without, to complain about how much is TRUCKING hurts!!
Why?! In the age on curing HIV and having 3D TV in your own home is removing hair from ones body either a) excessively, unaccpetably expensive (lasers), b) a pointless waste of time because it grows back in 40 minutes (razors) or c) shaggingly painful??
You would think SOMEWHERE in the Amazon rainforest they would have come across of hairless tribes folk who would point and grunt in the direction of a magic plant, whose extract would kill the hair folicles.. but noooooo instead they find, breed and release giant spiders all over the show!!
So what do I do?? It is 11pm now - the machine to pluck out 15,000 hair a second is loud, I'm tired and I'm not quite sure if I'm full packed?! The answer is fuck it. I can shave the other one and a half of the leg tomorrow. Just have to get up a tad earlier. In which case I should go to sleep. See ya.
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