Sunday, 20 January 2013

Getting Three Peaks Ready

Twitter me in a signed Jenson Button shirt
G'day darl. Howaya going? I am today, completely splendid and full of energy and beans!

I've come to the conclusion from hashtagging #threepeaks on Twitter (find me @F1_Rowlands) that I seriously, seriously need to up the game to get ready for the challenge. It appears from the many tweets from others about constant gymming and practice mountain hikes that quite simply doing a 45 minute walk up one incline to Tesco once every other week is not going to get me to the physical strength needed to climb three mountains in 24 hours. So my plan has been formulated...

Training at the same gym that Jessica Ennis does, Ponds Forge, I have joined up and will be starting the following classes as of the Monday after pay day...

Look at the size of the slide on the left!!! I am quite excited in case I see olympains
Monday - Boot camp.. I best get me arse in gear and apparently there is no where to hide in Boot Camp
Tuesday - 20/20/20 - this is swimming but being egged on at the same time. A full 2 hours!
Wednesday - break.. think I should let the muscles take a wee break today
Thursday - body pump.. apparently very good for the core which I will need lugging a backpack up hills
Friday - gym - treadmill. Set on flat for running, incline 3 for walking and the highest incline it will go for mock trudging! For a good hour and a half.

I reckon Saturday I will still do my big walk to Tesco but treadmills just aren't life like enough.. you hear many people talking about how they prepared for marathons on the treadmill and nearly died on the pavement. So yes, that is my plan. Unfortunately my plan means a 35 minute walk TO the gym... at 6am... and then a 40 minutes walk TO work!! But it's important. And I must succeed!!!!!

Yeah mine won't look anything like this
In terms of baking, this is going to go quite well I hope. I'm going to make cupcakes with yellow and blue icing, cornflake cakes and fat free blueberry muffings for those on diets. I have discovered Asda's smart price stuff is fantastically smartly priced and have worked out, if I sell each cornflake cake at 40p, for the cost of £4.00 to buy all ingredients which will make around 50, I only have to sell 10 to make my money back and will in profit for the charity make £16.. not much but if I can sell around 50 cakes a week,that's £64 a month which by the time July rocks up, that's £320 made for charity! Nay bad eh.

Go on! Even if it's just to see if it works...
I have a banner and flyers on their way, both free except for £5.40 P&P complimentary of Vista Print. Thanks guy.

And get this!! You can TEXT ME!! Your donation!! Text BEAR91 £10 to 70070 :D Or if you are a bit skint... you can send £1.00, £2.00, £3.00, £4.00 or £5.00.

Or you can visit the website and donate there. Everyone across the world can do it and in the currency you want which is brilliant for all of the amazing friends I have gathered across the globe :-)

But yes,, I will keep you all updated with how training is going and of course, if I pull in the gym. That would be great. And if there is anyone in Sheffield who wants to be my badminton buddy, I can get us a court for £3.00 on Saturday between 1-3pm.

Wish me luck!! or better yet.. sponsor me. Every £10.00 is an hours wage for a Marie Curie Cancer Care nurse to come and look after someone dying. Thanks dudes.

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