*coughs in your face*/rasp – Hello.
How are you? I'm fine. Apart from carrying the plague but you know,
stiff upper lip all English style. Wouldn't want to complain would
we. Except I will... I have a cough. I have had a cough which affects
my ability to speak like a normal person for around 3 weeks now and I
blame it entirely on sleeping in freezing cold conditions. Despite
what everyone in England thinks, Australia gets COLD and I have been
sleeping in what is effectively a shed. And when I say sleeping, I
mean closing my eyes every few minutes post cough. I'm tired. Oh so
very tired.
But besides that I have news! I have
officially started my tour of Australia – woot! I no longer have an
employer, I am free to roam as I please (as long as it stays within
the timetable I have made for myself) and I am ready to explore!
My first stop was Melbourne to see my
bestest good Australian friends :) one was packing up to move so
couldn't see him for too long but the others were the most wonderful
hosts – I cannot thank them enough for just being wonderful and
accommodating, and also for owning the worlds most comfortable
settee. Corrrr and blimey that sucker would have had me for weeks if
I wasn't forced to move! We saw the Science Works museum where they
had a Wallace and Gromit exhibition on and it reminded me of home so
much. They had Weeabix and proper English stuff – Rodney had never
heard of W&G before... he was nearly shot on sight. He shall be
Before I knew it, I was on The Great
Overland choo choo train. Full of expectations, I thought I would be
boarding a luxury train carriage full of fancy dressed people and tea
and sandwiches!!.... No. It was just a train with slightly more leg
room and sandwiches on sale for $2.00. Slight let down.
The next stop though was Adelaide, SA,
which stands for Snooze Avenue (not South Australia as you might have
thought). You know if you were to go into town and go to the
supermarket or into a clothes shop.. in Adelaide that strip of shops
is classified as a tourist attraction, the place is THAT dull. And
I'm not kidding – you can look it up in the Lonely Planet guide for
proof. I also went to the museum which was kind of cool but mainly
fucking boring. I like big displays of mummies or space information
or bottled up weird conjoined foetuses!! But instead what I got was 3
floors of aboriginal weaving. I am 100% all up for learning about
aboriginal culture and philosophy.. but THREE solid floors of baskets
made from different types of reed?! No ta!
And that was the sum total of Adelaide. There is nothing else to do there unless you drink wine and want to take an overly expensive tour to some wineries, what with SA being wine capital of Aus. I did meet some interesting people though. One was a Canadian girl who I am SO sure is actually famous in disguise. I just know her. So sure of it. The other was a Welsh girl from Swansea who has rather jealous makingly become a permanent resident. And the other was a Spanish girl who dressed all hippy like, had a big ring in her nose and who you would think maybe worked on a ganja growing farm. Looks can be deceiving though! It turns out she's not only really bloody clever but she's working on a project for the next 3 years measuring frogs!! FROGS! With tape measures and everything!! It's amazing the type of people you get to meet as you travel.
The best bit of SA though was Kangaroo
Island. Whilst it would definitely have been a billion times better
in the summer so I could have gone snorkelling and surfing, it was
still absolutely wonderful. The tour guide, Greg, was such a legend
that I have every intention of sending a letter to Adventure KI to
pass on to him so he has my details. I would marry him big time –
I'd potentially make him have a shave down to designer stubble
instead of full blown face bush, but I'm sure we can discuss that
closer to the wedding. Such a nice man.
He took us to a wool shed where we
learnt how to sheer sheep, we went to an emu farm for dinner and a
proper good sniff of emu oil (did you know that stuff does
everything?!? Like you can clean pans with it, heal cuts with it,
remedy colds.. I'm sure there is a cure for cancer in an emu), I sat
in a carriage to watch a DVD, an idea that I will definitely be
taking home – next time you guys come over and spend some time in
my garden, you will be sitting in an old horse carriage with a garden
big screen TV. For shiz.
We also saw real life in the wild seal and sealions which was very cute. However.. for some bizarre reason I have developed a real alarming fear of slugs. This fear has come FROM NO WHERE and has been tormenting me for about 5 weeks now. Completely new, completely out of the blue, completely disturbing. I am dreaming about them, I'm looking at and around everything before I sit down for them, and now I am seeing them in things that aren't them.. for example, the sealion. See I just got goosebumps just writing about it!! They look like giant slugs and because they move REALLY quick, this gives sealions an added horror element to the overall looking like a slug dread... so in summary I am now also semi petrified of sealions. Soon I won't be able to enter a zoo.. elephants will look like them.. zebras will be stripy slugs.. I'm even going off hotdogs because the shape resembles them slightly! Stupid irrational brain :(

I love him so... |
And then it was home on the ferry :( to
cold Adelaide. I missed Greg immediately and started to fantasise
about snuggling up in his beard. Such a nice man.
But not to worry, it was only for one
more night before I was off to Alice Springs... further blogage to
follow :-P
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