Tuesday, 29 March 2011

The Liberal Application of Anti Ageing Cream

Phew!! Today I have spent approximately eighty million pounds. Slight exageration but of my own money I have spent £1350.00. In the space of 10 minutes! For I have today ladies, gentlemen and Tim, booked my Thailand 30 day holiday :-D

However.. slight minor snag.. As I booked it through realgap.com, as you can imagine from the websites name it is for people on a gap year. Enter teenagers. I was a wee bit worried I was going to be too old for it beign 25 and not really on my gap year.

Rather gay'ly looking back on it, I rang the people and asked them just how old the people going on the tour were and was actually suprised to find out that so far only girls had booked the tour and there were only 4 teenagers on it! two 18 years, two 19 years, two twenty years olds, a 23, a 24 and a 22 year old are going to. So yes, I will be the oldest at 25 but at least they aren't ALL 18!!

However it has made me slightly paranoid about my appearance. I have started to use toner and anti ageing cream, have gone on the Atkins diet and am shunning all carbs and sugars. It's given me insomnia, headaches and cravings but I have only 12 weeks to go till I leave. I MUST BE THIN. I'm exercising too. Sit ups either in the morning or evening.. which must change I must do both... and walking up big hils that surround Wycombe. MUST GET THIN!!!

Shockingly I watched a documentary today about people who binge eat on proper yum scrum stuff like chocolate and cakes and then just go throw it all back up and they are super slim!!! And worryingly all I could think about was WOW that sounds awesome!! eat what you want then just go hurl it back up. I don't mind chucking up really. But then again the damage it does to your teeth and body probably won't be worth it... tempting though. REALLY tempting...

Also good news! Siem Reap hostel people have offered my 99 days accomodation for $4 a night. This my friends is free. I may live there forever!

I really can't wait to go you know. Wish GEMMA "WHERE THE TV HAS NO SOAPS" LLOYD!! was coming.. see you in Oz though :-P xxx


  1. Please tell me your taking the piss with the anti ageing cream?!
    Your still a young whipper snapper ;)
    Try being 34 and doing this for a 4 time!
    Sod the youngsters, we've got something they haven't, a bit more wisdom and experience :D

  2. No man I am actually applying it!!! GO AWAY WRINKLES!!!

    And it is true :D we are both more wisdomus hehe xxx
