Ey up!! This is my first blog since July 2008 and I am quite inexplicably really excited about it! I seem to relish every opportunity I get to tell the world what's going on in.. to quote my boss "Rowlands Land". So seen as over a years worth of information is quite a big chunk to write about.. and I want people to read this and not get bored.. I think I will stick to just writing about how my long weekend has been so far.. :-)
Well Thursday is actually where I will start.. sorry for the lie there but meh! Thursday was epic because that was the day I got my vouchers from work, all £65 worth WOOP WOOP! Now I know that doesn't sound like much of a bonus but we don't normally get incentives and this one was to recognise all the hard work I put in going well over my target and getting 100% on my quality checks! That's right.. I'm ace. So all of you lot out there who think I'm too harsh well with my marking.. get over it! I'm ace!!
So Thursday was the last I was in work. Friday I had taken off because I had some spare holiday which had to be used by the end of the year and I figured seen as I'm moving soon and all I do when I get home fom work is sit in front of the TV pissing my life away in a pool of my own drool.. I better crack on packing some boxes... which didn't exactly go to plan.. more EPICNESS happened instead!!!!! First off was the lie in.. glorious.. simply wonderful. Then it was email from Vicky asking if I wanted to go to Asda.. now .. I don't know about anyone else but I love a supermarket! Get me in there, get me weighing up the costs and the benefits of the multi buy deals and I'm happy... I love to mock their deals as well such as at the moment, Asda have chocolate milkshake on offer 2 for £2 .. bargin you say?! Correct!!! But then again.. not really seen as it's £2 for 2 of £1 for 1.... I mean seriously why waste a tree to print off a "MEGA DEAL ON MILKSHAKES!!!".. when actually all that has happened is people will go "ooo well I might as well get two...".. oh actually Ihave just written why they do it.. to reel in slow people who are attracted to shiny glossed cardboard.. me :-)
But that wasn't really the epic-ness (sorry just to interupt this bit.. don't go to the Asda in High Wycombe if you are petrified of a) father christmas, b) scarily life sized versions of father christmas, or c) scarily life sized versions of father christmas having an epileptic fit in the door way, blocking your entrance to the store.....).. No the epic-ness was going to get a tattoo I have wanted for approximately forever.. rough guess. It is the tetragrammaton on my right wrist. I adore it it is beautiful and I love it when people ask what it means... I tell them a little bit about it.. they scoff and then I proper go into and they are all "oh.. right, this is actually quite cool". I'm aware.. thank you!
I had that done with my bestest fwend Gem who got the most beautiful band around her arm, it truely is lovely. The woman who did it though.. I'm toying between her being lovely and slightly mental.. For example.. from NO WHERE!!! we started talking about double vaginas?????? Then onto ailments we all had because I couldn't stop hiccuping.. only to discover she has botox put in her bladder to stop constant pissing!!.. Nice to know you're in a potential urine drenched tattoo parlour with needles being dragged across your skin.. good times good times.
The fun of Friday then moved on to the almost weekly ritual of Vicky driving us all around the world to get a Macdonalds, talk shit, bitch till one of us starts to bleeds from the ears and or eyes, and generally try and spot wildlife! One amazing journey once took us to Comedy Dave's house where to start off the evening I littered his garden with a snotty tissue.. hehe.. we then drove down a country lane and in quick succession saw a rabbit, a badger, a rat and then A U.F.O!!!!! And not just one my friend.. TWO!! I took pictures and everything.
This Friday though we had company. Gem and Tim came for the ride too and we had so much fun in Macdonalds. First off was the lightsabre duel me and Vicky had with our happy meal suprises.. then there was Gemma's dry ice milkshake haha, then they all asked me a question and instead of replying like a human, I made a growling burp noise! Honestly my face was one of abject HORROR as it rose through my asophagus and then out into the air! What was weird though is in my head, I knew it was coming and my mental inside voice put on a proper proper polite english accent and said "oh dear this won't be pleasant!" .. safe to say we all rolled about laughing. Our Macdonalds time ended with me nearly ending up with a light sabre in my spine, rocketed through my chest with the force of the collision between Gem and Vicky's fight lol.
There was then arguments over U.F.Os with Tim.. we won't go there though!! But the night ended well and we had a proper laugh! Now.. I have completely lost all trach of time. I am lead to believe it is Sunday but to fair it could be Saturday, Sunday, June.. I really haven't got a clue because I have sat on the same sofa, staring at the same screen and not breathing in any fresh air since Friday.. I'm begining to wonder if my legs still work to be honest!! Imagine ... "Sorry I can't come to work.. I've lost the use of my legs through shere laziness!!"
Actually I have again lied to you.. what in fact actually happened on Saturday is I did some packing.. WOOT! And you know when you are just going through your things and all of a sudden a lost treasure appears?? Well TWO appeared for me. One was my ex's man purse! It is this purple little bad with a gold chain where he kept his hayfever medicine and other bits and bobs. I opened it up and found indegestian pills yay! but most randomly.. his car keys??! How the smeg did that happen and how has he a) not noticed in 2 years and b) managed to sell the car without the keys??!??! I then found the best treasure.. my old Song Erricson, which was ace because I have just really recently got a new Song Erricson so I was able to charge it. Out of this proper old phone came a million memories and approx. 12 thousand videos from uni days! It was simply superb and hilarious to watch them back. That really was an awesome find :)
So anyway.. that pretty much sums up my long weekend so far! I have tomorrow off which will be brill because I really do honestly intend to do some serious packing.. Honestly! If not.. well I will still be here.. maybe watching homes under the hammer.. having a snooze in the afters watching a channel 5 drama :-) .. have a wonderful evening and weekend guys... xxx
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